( カンガルーアカデミーの方が興味深いことを言っていました。) What is freedom? Where does it come from? Freedom is the same / as love. When we love something, / we can't bear / to see it tempered . A free person chooses / who to love / what to wear / and where to live. A free person has the right to do / whatever they want / to create their own set of rules / for life to say , think, and act / without limits. But the concept of freedom / is not that simple. There are limits / to our freedoms. We are not allowed / to drive too fast, / damage other people's property / or kill people. And as a society, / we accept these limits / to our freedoms. Because we have decided / that they are necessary and good. But how did we decide that ? How do we know / what is good and bad? This question is something / that philosophy has asked for thousands of years. But we can all agree / on one thing . Mistakes are bad. Our mistakes are punished / from the moment / we are able to make them. Mistakes keep us up / at night. Mistakes / we made in high school / make our faces flush red / when we think of them. Mistakes are the red crosses / on exams. (失敗が私達にチャンスや仕事を犠牲にさせる=cost) Mistakes cost us opportunities and jobs. And why why / do we always keep / making the same mistakes. But what if mistakes are connected / to freedom? Gandhi said freedom is not worth having / if it does not include the freedom / to make mistakes. But I would go a step further. And say that mistakes are a necessary part / of freedom. In fact they are a sign / that freedom is functioning and healthy. But why? Because mistakes are always a result / of choices. You can only make mistakes / if you have the freedom to choose poorly. A person / who doesn't make mistakes / is a person / who makes no choices. That person is not free. Now all of this might seem completely unrelated / to language learning / but it's not. So many students are not free, / prisoners in their own minds / enslaved by their education. How many times / have you rejected your freedom / and avoided a conversation / or not put your hand up / or not shared your idea / because you were worried / about making a mistake. The mistake of not having the right answer, / or the right accent, / or the right level, / or the right passport, / or the right to color skin. And I understand. As adults / we have reached a point / in our lives / where we are afraid of making mistakes. We avoid them, and we choose to do things / that we know we can succeed at. But every time you avoid making a mistake,/ you avoid learning. Because every good teacher knows, / and the research shows / that all learning occurs by mistakes. Getting fluent in english / will require you / to make millions of mistakes. So the level of your English / directly reflects / how many you have made. If someone has / a higher level of English / than you / it's because they made more mistakes / and you haven't experienced / all of the painful learning experiences / that they have / So making newer and bigger mistakes more often / is a sign / that you're learning. I hear from students every day / who tell me that / they don't have a safe place / to practice their English / and that's why / I created the kangaroo academy. I have been working on the academy / for more than 12 months / and I am so proud to finally invite you / to join . In the academy / there are more than 100 hours / of live classes / every month with me / and other incredible teachers / in an immersion(没入) environment. Plus there are daily speaking challenges,/ writing challenges, / a film club,/ a book club / and many more games and activities / that will keep you motivated / and accountable. Plus when you join the academy / you will have unlimited access / to hundreds of videos and courses / with exclusive(専属の) materials / that will teach you / how people use everyday English / in the real world / not in textbooks. The Academy is not for everybody / but if you're someone / who has always wanted to use English / instead of studying it ,/ but you didn't know how, / then come and join us. If you want to know more / please visit the link below. I'm looking forward / to seeing you in class. Now I want to make / something clear. I am not saying that / you should ignore your mistakes. Quite the opposite. The research shows that / being aware of your mistakes / is vital / to avoid repeating them / in the future. But you have to give your attention / and energy / to the right kinds of mistakes. As a teacher, / I encounter hundreds of mistakes / every day. But I hardly correct any of them. I know from bitter experience / that if I corrected / every single mistake / I would kill the motivation / and the fluency / of my students. Now, to help you think differently / about mistakes / I want to introduce you / to the mistakes pyramid. At the top of the pyramid, / we have the mistakes / that are the least common / but the most serious,/ mistakes that cause offense(=人の感情を害するもの). Under that,/ we have another type of mistake, / mistakes that cause / understanding problems. And finally, /we have the most common type of mistake. The type / that causes no problems / with communication. These are the mistakes / that you should focus on the least. They don't affect communication / and studies have shown / that the people you're communicating with / won't even notice them / because people's brains only care about meaning. But unfortunately they are the mistakes / that are the focus of every bad grammar book , / every bad exam, / and every bad youtube lesson. And they also invade / and imprison the minds of many learners. Bad English teaching tells you that / there is only one right way / to express something. It tells you that / if you follow the rules / you won't make mistakes. It tells you / to stop making choices. It tells you / to give up your freedom. But the characteristic of language / that makes it so special / is that / it is infinite. It is infinite / because it is made up of pieces / that we combine / to express every thought, idea / and feeling. It is infinite / because we are free / to combine those pieces / as we like. And that makes language / a true democracy. So next time / you want to say / "I can't", / because you are worried / about making mistakes, / just remember that / those words mean / you have the freedom / to make mistakes, / and that freedom is incredibly precious, / and you have a duty / to exercise that freedom. Because it was earned / by the blood, sweat, and tears / of your ancestors. You should never give it up / or take it for granted (=当然のことであると軽視する + 前の should never =してはならない). I want to finish this video / by telling you / an ancient story. ( ============================== ) ( https://youtu.be/7wgJQdCvwDM?t=631 ) Once there was a woman / who collected water / from the river every day / using two large jugs. One of the jugs had a crack in it / while the other jug was perfect. The perfect jug was always full of water / at the end of the long walk / from the river to the house. But the cracked jug only arrived / half full. This continued every day / with the woman / carrying only one and a half jugs / full of water / to the house. The perfect jug was proud / of itself, / perfect for the task / for which it was made. But the cracked jug was ashamed / of its own imperfection / and miserable that / it was able to accomplish / only half of what it had been made / to do. One day / the cracked jug spoke / to the woman. "I am ashamed of myself / and I want to apologize to you." "Why?" asked the woman. "What are you ashamed of?" For all these years, / I've only been able to deliver / half of my potential / because of this crack in my side." "Because of my imperfections , / you do all the work / and you don't get full value / from your efforts." The woman smiled / and she said , "Next time / we walk to the house, / I want you to notice / the beautiful flowers / on your side of the path." Next time / they went up the hill,/ the cracked jug saw the sun / warming the wild flowers / on its side of the path / and realized that / it was responsible / for watering those beautiful flowers every day. Your English might not be perfect. But just think about the beauty / that you are going to bring / to the world / with your imperfections.